
Latest technical features, modifications and enhancements concerning the e-payment solution Saferpay from Worldline.

Release 2025-01

API Version 1.44

Click to Pay Additions

  • Visa was added to the self-onboarding for Click to Pay.

  • Mastercard cardholders can now register themselves and their cards for Click to Pay during the checkout process.

Easily start accepting Click to Pay now: Documentation

Or use our plugins including Click to Pay: Magento, WooCommerce, and Prestashop.

BLIK Enhancements

  • A cancel button was introduced, which is available before confirming the 6-digit BLIK code with the "Pay" button.

  • You can now see the detailed reasons for BLIK declines in the Saferpay Backoffice and via API.

Scheme Tokenization Enhancements

  • The Risk Management can now handle the correlations between token PAN and PAN. If a PAN gets blocked all related token PAN are blocked as well.

  • The new API version returns the token PAN and the real PAN.

  • A new API call (Alias Inquire) was introduced, which returns all relevant information about an alias including the Scheme Token data.

Small Improvements

  • The additional names of sub-companies will now be shown on the Saferpay Payment Page.

  • The Management API is now capable of deleting Saferpay Fields Access Tokens.

  • The terminal pre-selection was optimized, by showing the last terminal used per page instead of globally.

  • Merchant Administrators can now remove the user's permission to access the customer in the Saferpay Backoffice.

Release 2024-11

API Version 1.43

BLIK Level 0 with Worldline Acquiring

Saferpay now supports the Polish payment method BLIK with Worldline acquiring.

  • Available on the Saferpay Payment Page from API V1.38

  • Please accept the value "BLIK" in the PaymentPageAssert response

Click to Pay

Saferpay now supports EMVCo's "Click to Pay" functionality. Enrolled cards will be displayed automatically if a payer is recognized via email or cookie.

  • Saferpay Payment Page (all API versions)

  • Mastercard available, Visa in January 2025

  • Activation via self-service in the Saferpay Backoffice

  • Only available with wallet pre-selection

Worldline UK Acquiring

Now supporting additional brands

  • WeChat Pay

  • Alipay+

  • JCB

  • Diners Club International

  • UnionPay

User Administration

  • Legacy users (eXXX) will automatically migrate to an email user during the next login

  • After the migration, the users are visible and can be managed by the administrator in the Saferpay Backoffice

  • 2FA is available for all Saferpay users (with and without email) and is necessary for card decryption and unreferenced refunds (credits)

  • 2FA reset function for administrators and users

Small Improvements

3RI for Scheme Tokenization

3RI (Merchant Initiated Authentication) was activated for scheme token transactions.

Click to Pay Processing

Merchants with their own Click to Pay integration can now process the token via Saferpay including 3DS authentication.

Release 2024-09

API Version 1.42

Worldline UK Acquiring

New connection to the Worldline UK Acquiring. Allows compliant boardings in the UK after Brexit.

  • Mastercard, Visa

  • Google Pay, Apple Pay

  • 3-D Secure

  • Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) / Customer Initiated Transactions (CIT)

  • Pre-Authorization & Final-Authorization

  • Risk Management / Fraud Intelligence

  • GBP

Scheme Tokenization / Card Lifecycle

Scheme Tokenization was activated for all merchants with Worldline / PAYONE Acquiring.

Secure PayGate Improvements

  • You can now define a minimal amount when configuring a Multi-Use Link.

  • The interface to enter the amount, email, and confirmation page is now aligned with the look and feel of the Payment Page.

  • Secure PayGate can now automatically send reminder emails before the expiration of the payment link.

  • If a payment fails in Secure PayGate, the payer can immediately retry using another means of payment without the need to open the link again.

  • A cancel button was introduced, to close a link configuration without saving it. The "Save" buttons are deactivated until a change is done.

  • A copy button for the payment link was implemented.

Small Improvements

  • The pending authorizations and user administration tables were overhauled with more features, better performance, improved accessibility, and greater ease of use.

  • When performing a refund on a DCC transaction, the conversion rate is now taken from the original purchase, not from the day of executing the refund.

  • Merchants can now retrieve the payer's email address from Google Pay.

  • A new waiting spinner was introduced on the Payment Page.

  • The preview of the Payment Page configuration was improved.

Release 2024-07

Version 1.41

Scheme Tokenization / Card Lifecycle

Saferpay now supports the tokenization of cards via the schemes. When registering a card, Saferpay will no longer store the card number, but a token linked to the card account.

  • Higher security

  • Higher acceptance rate

  • No payer interaction to update card details

  • Token management for cardholders

Supported for Mastercard & Visa

Chase Paymentech Acquiring

A new connection to Chase Paymentech Acquiring was established.

  • Mastercard, Visa, and Amex

  • 3-D Secure

  • MIT / CIT

  • Risk Management / Fraud Intelligence

  • US Dollar / Canadian Dollar (USA & Canada)



We now support TWINT via Omni-Channel for easy refunds.

UoF during authorization

Saferpay can now store a TWINT alias during authorization and not only stand-alone.

Saferpay Fields Improvements

  • A payer can now actively select the preferred brand while paying with a dual-branded card.

  • A new parameter 'language' was added to the initialization of Saferpay Fields, allowing to specify the language of the fields (Saferpay Fields Version 1.8).

Small Improvements

Show 8 digits of card numbers

You can now see the first 8 digits of card numbers in the Saferpay Backoffice, Export, and API.

New fields for marketplaces

You can now supply additional data to identify the supplier in the capture of a transaction.

Release 2024-05

Version 1.40

iDEAL 2.0 with Refund

Saferpay supports the newest iDEAL version 2.0 which comes with a refund option. It is only available with Worldline Acquiring.

All merchants with Worldline Acquiring will be migrated automatically.

WeChat Pay

With the launch of WeChat Pay, we complete our payment means portfolio for Asian customers. WeChat Pay comes with Worldline Acquiring.

PostFinance Pay


We completed the PostFinance Pay integration with the following additional features for Secure Card Data

  • Register an Alias stand-alone

  • Register an Alias during a Payment Page transaction


  • Migration will be on 18.06.2024

  • Token/Alias will stay active and can be used like before

  • Refunds will be further supported for PostFinance Cards & E-Finance

  • PostFinance Pay token registration will break out of the iFrame

Small Improvements

Saferpay Fields Improvements

  • Saferpay Fields now returns the brand, cardholder name, and masked PAN to the merchant

  • Saferpay Fields jump automatically to the next input field

Secure PayGate Improvements

One Return URL / Pending-Status for Worldline Account-to-Account Payments (A2A)

Saferpay Secure PayGate now supports the new One Return URL. This will simplify the merchant configuration and enable the "Pending Status" for the Worldline A2A Payments (Bank Transfer by Worldline).

New Default Secure PayGate Settings

  • The default authorization type is now Automatic Capture

  • The default 3DS Condition is now Only with Liability Shift

Scheme Token Processing (MDES / VTS)

Saferpay allows Merchants/Payment Facilitators to process MDES (Mastercard Digital Enablement Service) and VTS (Visa Token Service) tokens.

  • CIT with 3DS with Transaction Initialize

  • MIT AuthorizeDirect

paydirekt to giropay

The paydirekt logo was replaced by the giropay logo. paydirekt will remain an individual provider for merchants with direct acquiring while giropay is used for 3rd-party acquiring.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

We extended our P2P solution to make it available for any potential customer interested in "Money Send & VisaDirect", which is the P2P funding of credit cards.

Available for Mastercard & Visa.

Bancontact 3DSv2

Saferpay is now supporting the newest version of 3DSv2 for Bancontact transactions.

Password Reveal Button for the Saferpay Backoffice

To improve the UX of the password entry, you can now make it visible via the eye icon in any location in the Saferpay Backoffice.

Add card country to failed transactions

The card number including the country was added to the failed transactions in the Saferpay Backoffice and the export function.

Webshop Feature Decommission

The legacy feature "Webshop" was decommissioned. Merchants are asked to switch to Secure PayGate.

Improve the Payment Page Configuration

The UI/UX of the Payment Page Configuration was improved.

Release 2024-03

Version 1.39

Modernized Hosted Forms, Saferpay Fields and Payment Page

Saferpay will introduce a new and modernized look to its Payment Page which will also impact the functionality and design of the Saferpay Fields, the Hosted Card Entry Form as well as the Hosted Card Register Form.

Please check the detailed guide to see if your integration is affected by this change.

Location-based User Permissions with shared tokenized cards

With this development, we completed the possibility of giving users permissions on all levels. This will allow merchants to limit users to certain locations while sharing the aliases with the whole CustomerID.

Example: A hotel group with several hotels in different cities and countries sets up each hotel as a Saferpay location. People working there have only access to this specific location while the management can access all. Tokenized payment means will be shared and can be used to book for any location.

The functionality is available in your User Administration in the Saferpay Backoffice.

Small Improvements

TWINT Pay later

The new feature of TWINT which enables pay later functionality is now supported with Saferpay and Worldline Acquiring.

Secure PayGate

Optional address data in the Saferpay Backoffice and Management API

Merchants can now create payment links via the Saferpay Backoffice or the Management API without filling in or requesting customer address data. To accomplish this, the email is now separately configurable and not part of the address any more.

New pay button in Secure PayGate emails

The pay button in emails sent from Secure PayGate was improved and adjusted to the layout.

Fraud Intelligence

  • When Fraud Intelligence returns a challenge response, then Saferpay automatically enforces SCA Strong Customer Authentication where applicable.

  • We return now the authorization result to Fraud Intelligence.

Deactivation of the deprecated webshop functionality

The deprecated webshop functionality was locked. Links remain active until the Release 2024-05. Merchants are asked to switch to Secure PayGate Multi-Use Links which offers the same functionality with much more features.

Hosted Forms

Supported card brands are now shown in the card number field.

Release 2024-01

Version 1.38

Account-to-Account Payments Improvements

Force Instant Payments

You can now select the option to only allow instant payments. This will significantly reduce the waiting time until a payment is confirmed and the goods can be shipped, but this is not supported by all banks.

→ Please contact our Customer Services to activate the option

Pending Transaction Status

Saferpay now returns a pending status via the Payment Page Assert, to let you know when an Account-to-Account Payments transaction is not yet confirmed. The goods should only be shipped after the final confirmation was received via the SuccessNotifyUrl.

→ Mandatory to update the Payment API Version to 1.38

Condition to enforce 3DS challenge in Secure PayGate

You can now enforce a 3DS challenge for Secure PayGate transactions via the Saferpay Backoffice and the Management API. This will trigger a secure 3DS authentication to prevent frictionless fraudulent transactions.

Release 2023-11

Version 1.37

PostFinance Pay is live

Saferpay is connected to the new payment method PostFinance Pay, which will be the successor of PostFinance E-Finance & Card.

  • Interested merchants can already activate the new PostFinance Pay.

    • Parallel usage is possible.

    • For a contract, please contact PostFinance directly.

  • All active E-Finance & Card merchants will be migrated by Saferpay and PostFinance in Q3 2024,

    • Detailed information will follow in advance by email.

    • Migration of the tokens/aliases is included.

Delivered Features with Release 2023-11 - Payment Page Only

  • Payment Page

  • Capture & Multi-Part-Capture

  • Cancel

  • Refund & Multi-Part-Refund

  • Web2App Switch

Future Feature Delivery 2024 Q2 - Full Scope

  • Tokenization

  • Server2Server Integration (API)

  • Address collection

  • Apple Pay

New Prezelewy24 is live

Saferpay is connected to the newest version of the Prezelewy24 API. All our merchants will be migrated automatically after the freeze period.

Please note the changed behavior of the payment method:

  • No cancelation

New giropay is live

Safepay is connected to the new version of giropay which replaces paydirekt & the legacy version of giropay.

  • Please sign a new contract with your giropay/paydirekt acquirer and get in contact with Worldline support for your activation

  • The new giropay compared to the old one does not support iFrame integrations

Backoffice Improvements

Liability Shift Filter

Merchants have now the possibility to filter transactions in the Journal with or without liability shift. This will remove the efforts spent to find risky transactions and analyze them.

Merchant Alias for Saferpay Customers

Users with access to multiple customers can give them "easy-to-understand" alias names, to enable an easy switch between them. The feature is automatically activated for affected merchants.

Small Improvements

Scheme Token Processing

Scheme Token Processing via the Payment API is now wallet-independent.

Payment Page Layout

The new payment page layout was launched in the test environment for all customers.

CssUrl Styling

The HTML Layouts of the PaymentPage, Hosted Entry Form (Transaction Initialize) and Hosted Register Form (Alias Insert) have changed which may lead to breaking changes when working with CssUrl.


The PayerID can now be filled with email addresses.

Release 2023-09

Payment API

Version 1.36

Saferpay OnSite – Transform your smartphone into a mobile payment terminal

The new Saferpay OnSite App gives our merchants the possibility to transform any smartphone into a mobile payment terminal. Accepting payments on-site was never easier – no hardware or additional contract needed!

  • Available and automatically activated if you have Saferpay Secure PayGate or Worldline QR Payments

  • Compatible with all mobile OS (iOS, Android, etc.)

  • Perfectly mobile optimized

  • All means of payment and wallets supported (except Klarna Payments)

  • Login via usual Login Page (Tab: OnSite) or Test Login Page

Payment flow

  1. Enter amount

  2. Show QR code to the payer

  3. Receive instant confirmation

Worldline Crypto Payments in EUR

Saferpay now officially supports the payment method Worldline Crypto Payments in EUR for Belgium and Luxembourg.

  • Available for all merchants with Worldline acquiring. Please reach out to your Account Manager or the Saferpay Support for the activation.

Klarna Payments – B2B payments by Billie

Saferpay implemented the Klarna integration to Billie, offering Business to Business transactions to be payed via Klarna's cooperation partner Billie.

This feature is available when the transaction was initialized either directly as "Company" in the billing address container or when selecting "Company" in the billing address form as title.

Allowing negative amounts for gift cards with Klarna Payments

It is now possible to use negative amounts for order items of type "GIFTCARD". These items function as a voucher / deduction. Please refer to the Klarna documentation for more info.

Conditional 3DS behavior for Saferpay Secure PayGate

The optional setting "Condition" for 3-D Secure 2.0 authorizations was added to the creation of Single-Use Payment Links either via the Backoffice or directly via the Management API.

This setting is used to control, whether or not, transactions without liability shift should be accepted. By setting this option you can make it easier to prevent losses from fraudulent transactions by moving the liability to the issuing bank. If the liability shift was declined the transaction is not processed, further reducing the risk of covering losses.

  • The default value is "NONE" and results in no change of behavior.

  • Existing links are using this default.

A new functionality was added to allow Backoffice users to create Single-Use Payment Links by uploading a CSV file. This functionality can be found on the Secure PayGate Links page.

Updated password policy

To follow current password safety guidelines, the new minimum length of passwords for the Backoffice is now 12 characters instead of the previous length of 8.

Improved accessibility for Payment Page

To improve the usability and increase accessibility of the Payment Page several adjustments were made allowing screen readers like TalkBack to provide a better experience.

Release 2023-07

Payment API

Version 1.35

Worldline Account-to-Account Payments

Saferpay now supports Account-to-Account Payments (A2A) - new bank transfer payment method based on open banking API.

A2A is a Worldline brand based on PSD2’s Payment Initiation Service. No card, no app download or registration is needed. The two months pilot phase is starting now and the payment method will be available soon.


Saferpay implemented Alipay+ which offers support for additional wallets in many countries compared to Alipay and is now available for Saferpay merchants. The merchants have to sign a separate agreement to switch from Alipay to Alipay+ and will be migrated manually.

In China, Alipay+ is one of the leading mobile payment solutions. Together with its local e-wallet partners in Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, Alipay has more than 1.2 billion users. Accepting a variety of wallets means merchants across Europe will see increased customer numbers and revenue from tourists from Asia.

Universal card entry form

A new entry form was added which can handle debit and credit cards. By using this form a customer can directly enter his credit card information and does not need to click on the brand first. Also the value "Card" was added to the API, which gives the merchant the possibility to select all cards with a single value.

On newly created Saferpay accounts the Universal card entry form is active by default. For existing Saferpay accounts created before the release of API spec version 1.35, this feature must be activated manually.

The validity of Saferpay Secure PayGate links can now be additionally set in hours instead of only choosing the date. Backoffice users now can use a datetime picker to set the expiration date.

Filter for providers in failed transactions

Failed transactions can now be filtered by provider which allows to find entries by a specific payment mean quicker.

Deletion of Secure PayGate offers

SPG links can now be deleted over the Management API.

Two-factor authentication for privileged functions

Correction: Logins managed by merchant administrators now required to have two factor authentication set up to be allowed to decrypt a PAN or do a credit.

Remove information from the success page for Secure PayGate

Unnecessary information was removed from the success page and payer email as there was no benefit for the payer to have this information. Therefore the page looks more minimalist and focused on the important parts.

Extend expiration of Google Pay token in test environment

Multiple possibilities are now available to choose for the expiration of Google Pay tokens therefore making testing easier.

JCB certification

JCB certification was completed. 3DS 2.2 is now available for JCB and providers will be updated to 2.2 in the next weeks.

Accepted formats for country subdivision code

The country subdivision code can now be sent with or without the prefix for the country.

DCC payer notification for transaction interface

API parameter was added for DCC emails to be sent if DCC was used.

Restructure JSON API liability container

Liability shift container in the API was restructured and unused properties were removed.

Release 2023-05

Payment API

Version 1.34

Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is now available for users who are maintained by Backoffice Merchant administrators. 2FA can be activated in the Saferpay Backoffice under User Settings by scanning the QR code with an authentication app. Once activated, the authentication code is required every time you log in.

Fraud Intelligence improvements

Several improvements have been made to our Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection (DFP) based Fraud Intelligence solution:

  • PayPal transactions are now supported in risk screening

  • The card issuing country is now available in DFP as BIN country/region ISO

  • Added support for Device Fingerprinting

Furthermore, merchants can now exclude selected payment methods and terminals from the risk checks in the Backoffice.

For Single-Use Payment Links also a QR code is available in the Backoffice. Emails can be sent with QR code. Details for Single-Use Payment Links are now visible in the Backoffice. You can copy and see the details of the link. Journal is only visible for paid links.

Configurable email body for email notifications

In order to reduce GDPR impact, the merchant has now the option to remove the payer data from the email body.

Saferpay Backoffice adjustments

Following Backoffice features are improved:

  1. If the password for the Backoffice login is forgotten, it can be resetted via email with securly generated token. The reset link is for single use and expires after period of time.

  2. Alias checkbox for payment mean storage and info tip is not visible for merchants without secure card data alias.

  3. A link to a feedback form is added to the Backoffice footer.

Transaction stamp

Transaction stamp (issuer reference) is sent also for Diners Club International and American Express in both eLink and GICC protocols.

Release 2023-03

Payment API

Version 1.33


Saferpay now supports payments with Payconiq. Development in Saferpay is completed. Tests with the pilot merchants are ongoing.

Payconiq is a company from Luxembourg developing an API-based mobile payment and payment processing platform, active in Belgium and Luxembourg. The Payconiq platform connects banks, merchants, payment service providers and consumers to enable omni-channel payments online, in store, by invoice or peer-to-peer. Your customers can download one of the stand-alone apps or use the Payconiq integration in their mobile banking apps (where available), according to their country of residence. They connect their bank account to the app and then are able to make payments to affiliated merchants by scanning a QR code, or to friends (by e-mail address or mobile number).

We have improved error descriptions for merchants to help them avoid unauthorized retries followed by scheme penalties.

Notification for alias insert

Merchants can choose to get a notification if a new alias is inserted. The notifications work the same way as for payments.


Saferpay now supports the new credentials model of Przelewy24. Every merchant has his own credentials with the new model. Credentials will be generated by Przelewy24 and then updated in Saferpay after the release.

Fraud Intelligence changes

Due to the insolvency of our risk analysis partner Fraugster, a new fraud prevention solution has been integrated into Saferpay. The new solution is based on "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection" to calculate a risk score and block high risk transactions.

As before, Saferpay Fraud Intelligence is available as a separately priced add-on. It allows merchants to model fraud rules and set velocity and risk score thresholds to define their risk appetite, reduce their fraud rate and improve conversion.

For more details see the Integration Guide or reach out to your local sales representative.

Additional information for prepaid transactions

For all prepaid transactions the debit number was added to the OrderId for reconciliation.

Function to get status of order in SecurePayGate

The API was extended to receive the status of a SecurePayGate Link. Due to this change it is possible to build more sophisticated solutions with SPG links and it' i not necessary anymore to go to the backoffice or wait for the email to see when a link was paid.

Release 2023-01

Payment API

Version 1.32

Payconiq in the Saferpay Payment Page

Payconiq payments in the Payment Page go live for selected pilot merchants. Authorizations will be captured automatically. Merchants interested to participate in the pilot can reach out to their local sales contact.

One single return URL

The ReturnUrls parameter was replaced with one single ReturnUrl which is called regardless of the transaction status.

We recommend all merchants to switch to the new consolidated ReturnUrl and use PaymentPage Assert to determine the status, or continue with Transaction Authorize when using the Transaction Interface.

3-D Secure 2.1 support for Diners Club International

Diners Club transactions will now be processed with 3-D Secure 2.1 depending on issuer support and card enrollment status.

Multi-Use Payment Link improvements

A filter option has been added to the Multi-Use Payment Links which allows to show only active, only inactive or all.

Inactive links can now be restored in the link details.

User Administration improvements

Saferpay users can now change their own email address under User settings / Change email. The email address is updated after the user clicks the link in the confirmation email, enters the password and confirms the change.

Furthermore, several usability improvements have been made to simplify the activation of new users and a "Resend activation email" option will be shown on the user detail page until the new user has been successfully activated.

For more information visit our documentation page.

Croatia currency switch

Since 1st January 2023, it is possible to do refunds in the new currency euro (EUR), when the original transaction was in old currency Croatian kuna (HRK). Captures and reversals are still submitted in the same currency (HRK) as authorization, if authorization was performed before deadline. New authorizations resp. captures must be submitted in the new currency after 1st January. More details are explained on our documentation page.

Merchant notification settings

A banner is shown on the Backoffice home screen if the merchant has configured neither the technical nor the miscellaneous email contact in the notification settings.

List of terminals in API

The Management API has been extended with the new method Terminals GetTerminals which returns all terminals of the customer.

Improvements for Elavon

Scheme transaction IDs (issuer reference information) are now included in the API response to customers with Elavon acquiring.

Release 2022-11

Payment API

Version 1.31

Giropay shutdown

Giropay and paydirekt have merged its business, therefore giropay will be shutdown as of end of November 2022. Merchants can switch to a paydirekt contract.

Multi-Use Payment Links are extended with extra functionality to provide the same functionality as today with web shop offers:

  • no amount input (Multi-Use Links will support fixed or variable amount)

  • additional option for entering delivery address and/or billing address (both, only one, none)

Extend export with billing and shipping address data

Journal export and batch export contain the delivery and billing address.

Extend the maximum characters for SourceUrl (Fields Access Token)

SourceUrl can contain now 2048 instead of 128 characters.

API can provide license configuration information

Merchants can access their license information via API.

Croatia currency change

As Croatia is switching from HRK to EUR on 1 January 2023, Saferpay now allows referenced refunds with a different currency. This is only the case if the currency of the original transaction is in HRK, the refund in EUR and after 1 January 2023. Also general improvements were made to handle future currency changes. Merchant information will follow. For more information please see our campaign site.

TWINT – Submit GXID with the authorization request if OrderId is missing

GXID will be sent if there is no OrderId. GXID is an unique id within Saferpay.

Release 2022-09

Payment API

Version 1.30

User Administration improvements

  • Setup of users with access to multiple customer accounts: User administrators can now create a multi-customer access user by adding the user with the same email under another customer account they have access to.

  • Change permissions of multi-customer access users: User administrators can now also modify multi-customer access users within the currently active customer account of the user administrator.

  • User profile changes: First name, last name and email language preference of Saferpay users can be modified by the users themselves on the User Profile page in the Backoffice.

See the User Administration documentation for details.

The User Administration functionality is still in pilot phase.

Want to participate in the pilot? Feel free to contact your account manager.

Klarna Payments improvements

In the Klarna order item details, the merchant can now submit a product image and link to a product detail page. Klarna can display this additional information to allow the buyer to verify that it is the intended item.

See Order Items in the API specification for details.

OrderId returned in PaymentPage/Assert

In the PaymentPage/Assert and Transaction/Authorize response, the OrderId is now also returned in case of a non-successful authorization. This allows the merchant to correlate the transaction in case of a failed authorization.

iDEAL issuer preselection change

Merchants who are using the iDEAL issuer preselection on their site need to remove Handelsbanken from the list of iDEAL issuers: From 1st of October 2022 onwards, iDEAL issuer Handelsbanken will no longer process iDEAL transactions anymore.

Release 2022-07

Payment API

Version 1.29

Omnichannel information in the Journal

POS authorizations which have been taken into Saferpay via OmniChannel/AcquireTransaction are now marked as omnichannel transactions in the Journal.

It is now possible in the Multi-Use Link configuration to define a reference number prefix. If given, each related payment will get an unique reference number assigned which is generated by using the prefix followed by a number. Based on the static prefix, merchants can easily tell to which Multi-Use Link a transaction is related.

Configurable email address entry

In the Multi-Use Payment Link configuration a "Payer Email configuration" option has been added which allows to set the email entry field mandatory (default), optional or hidden so that no email entry is possible.

PayPal amount visibility

The payer now always gets to see the payable amount on the PayPal page.

Apple Pay enhancements

Merchants with other acquiring contracts than Worldline (formerly SIX Payment Services) can now also use tokenization and recurring payments with Apple Pay.

Partial Approval in Transaction/Initialize

Partial Approval (amount-reduced authorization) is now also supported in Transaction/Initialize. If the AllowPartialAuthorization flag is set, the issuer can authorize a lower amount than requested in case the cardholder has no sufficient funds or reached the card limit.

See the Integration Guide for details.

Release 2022-05

Payment API

Version 1.28

Option to enter VAT number in address forms

To better cater the needs of customers with B2B sales, it is now possible to provide a VAT number when entering billing address data.

On the Payment Page is the VAT field displayed only once a company name has been entered or if the VAT was prefilled by the merchant.

Release 2022-03

Payment API

Version 1.27

PayPal Express Checkout

You can now use PayPal Express Checkout by creating your own checkout button which will open the Payment Page, pre-selecting PayPal only.

All needed customer data to fulfill the order including address and email will be returned to you.

Apple Pay enhancements

Added support for Apple Pay aliases - see Alias/InsertDirect for details.

Furthermore, we have added support for multiple certificates in the Server2Server integration to ensure interruption free processing of Apple Pay transactions during a certificate change.

The certificates are shown in the Apple Pay configuration pop-up of the terminal settings.

Google Pay alias support

Added support for Google Pay aliases - see Alias/InsertDirect for details.

Klarna Payments improvements

Added support for Ireland.

Fraud Intelligence Device Fingerprinting

A new Device Fingerprinting functionality allows even more accurate fraud checks as we can now detect if the user device has been used before.

Customers who want to profit from this new feature need to embed a JavaScript snippet in their checkout page and send us additional device data via API.

See the DeviceFingerprint parameter of the RiskFactors container in all relevant requests:

Dynamic Currency Conversion improvements

For added clarity, we have improved the way how Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) details like exchange rate and markup are shown on the Payment Page and in the payer confirmation email.

Furthermore, markup and exchange rate have been added to the Dcc container in all relevant responses:

Legacy Internet Explorer not anymore supported

Internet Explorer version 11 and older will no longer be supported in the Saferpay Backoffice.

Masterpass mobile wallet discontinued

Mastercard has announced that they have discontinued their Masterpass mobile wallet service.

Therefore, Masterpass has been removed as a means of payment from Saferpay.

Release 2022-01

Payment API

Version 1.26

After launching the Multi-Use Payment Links functionality in November 2021 we collected feedback from pilot merchants to find out how they are using them and how we could adapt the solution give them an even better experience.

In this release Saferpay improved the amount entry on the first page of the Multi-Use Payment Link flow so that it respects the user's language, location and their device.

Klarna Payments now available for Secure PayGate links via Management API

Klarna is getting more popular among our merchants and their payers so Saferpay enabled Secure PayGate (SPG) links to get paid with Klarna Payments (Pay Now, Pay Later and Financing).

As Klarna requires merchants to send details about the cart items that are sold, Saferpay now accepts these information when merchants create their SPG payment links using the Management API. See the API specification for version 1.26 for details. When providing the cart item details, Klarna Payments become available as a payment method in the Payment Page.

In order to benefit from Klarna Payments, merchants can activate the acceptance of Klarna Payments on their SPG terminals in the Saferpay Backoffice.

Better control over shipping address collection behavior

A new parameter called AddressSource was added to the Payment API, which makes it easier for merchants to control whether the delivery address details should be collected from the selected payment method (if applicable forms exist for this payment method) or from the Saferpay Payment Page.

This is in particular useful for merchants who want to benefit from the PayPal Seller Protection program.

Adaptable wording of the payment process

Saferpay aims at making payments as easy to integrate and consistent as possible and embraces every merchant's business. In some cases the so far used terminology ("payment") to describe the process does not match very well with what the merchant is offering to the consumer.

Therefore the Payment Page Configuration was extended to allow merchants to define the appropriate wording for the payment process. This supplements the existing configuration for the labeling of the pay button.

Support for card verifications with plain text card numbers

Card verifications are particularly useful to check whether an entered card number exists and give merchants the opportunity to let consumers authenticate the registration of cards in a PSD2 compliant way.

For merchants who operate in a PCI DSS Level 1 environment, ie. they are allowed to process plain text card numbers, the Saferpay Payment API was extended to accept plain text card details when initiating a card registration flow by calling the Alias/Insert method.

Eligibility for PayPal Seller Protection program

Merchants who offer PayPal as a payment method may want to benefit from the PayPal Seller Protection program which protects merchants from fraudsters. Saferpay now returns whether a PayPal transaction is eligible for the PayPal Seller Protection program in the Payment API parameter SellerProtectionStatus.

The information is also shown on the transaction details page in the Saferpay Backoffice.

Further enhancements

Poland is now supported as a consumer country when paying with Klarna. The issuer reference (sometimes referred to as "transaction stamp") is now also returned in Alias/AssertInsert responses if applicable.

Release 2021-11


Version 1.25

Google Pay in the Saferpay Payment Page

Saferpay e-commerce merchants can now offer Google Pay in their online shops by activating it by themselves in the Saferpay Backoffice.

  • Automatic self-onboarding in the Saferpay Backoffice (free of charge)

  • No additional contract with Saferpay or Google needed

Self-onboarding for custom Apple Pay button integrations

Merchants who want to use custom Apple Pay button integrations, can now activate this feature in the Saferpay Backoffice (see the "Apple Pay > Business" section in the terminal configuration).

The onboarding procedure guides the merchant through the process of creating the necessary cryptographic certificate.

Secure PayGate can now generate QR code links which can be used for multiple payments.

The QR code can be printed out and used on site or used online on websites or in emails. The link of the QR code leads to a form where the payer can enter the amount to be paid and optional the email address for the payment receipt. Upon successful payment the merchant receives a confirmation email.

Use cases for multi-use payment links include:

  • Markets stalls & retail stores without terminals

  • Unattended self-service shops (honesty box)

  • Street food restaurants and catering

  • On-site or online donations

  • Club & community fee collection

Multi-Use Payment Links are available for all merchants who have Secure PayGate enabled.

User Administration Self-Service

In our ongoing efforts of reducing friction for merchants to set up their ideal payment environment we release the first version of a new way of managing users and their permissions on their own. This increases the overall security of the merchant's account as staff changes are reflected easier and quicker.

One core element of this new feature set is that users can login with their email address and do no longer need to remember their login ID. In future releases many new features around users, permissions and login experience will become available, e.g. two-factor authentication and multi-customer access. Stay tuned!

With this release we start a pilot phase where selected merchants can benefit from creating and managing users and their permissions within the Saferpay Backoffice.

Want to participate in the pilot phase? Feel free to contact your account manager.

Retrieve logo URLs of available Payment Methods

The Management API TerminalInfo/PaymentMethods has been extended to return also a LogoUrl for each payment method available on the specified terminal.

Prevent API-refunds exceeding captured amount

From JSON API 1.25 onwards the Transaction/Refund method has an additional field RestrictRefundAmountToCapturedAmount which can be set if refunds via API should be rejected if they exceed the captured amount. Unless the merchant chooses to set RestrictRefundAmountToCapturedAmount to true, the behavior remains as in previous JSON API versions.

Release 2021-09


Version 1.24

Fraud Intelligence Business

Our new fraud solution for small and medium-sized customers is now available for pilot merchants. Transactions go through our AI-based engine for real-time risk analysis, resulting in a risk score. Merchants can configure to automatically decline risky transactions or to label them for manual review. Details can be found in the Integration Guide.

Custom Apple Pay Button integrations

The Apple Pay Button can now be placed in external locations to process express checkout wallet transactions through Saferpay.


  • Apps

  • Checkout

  • Chats

  • Business Applications

Details can be found in the Integration Guide.

Klarna Payments: Support for Extended Merchant Data

Merchants can now provide additional merchant data for extended risk check capabilities on Klarna side. Details can be found in the API documentation of PaymentPage/Initialize under PaymentMethodsOptions.Klarna.

Pre-authorizations and multipart-captures for additional brands

Pre-authorizations and multipart-captures have been implemented for the following brands:

  • American Express

  • Diners Club International / Discover Card

  • JCB

See Transaction/MultipartCapture for details.

SuccessNotifyUrl and FailNotifyUrl in PaymentPage/Initialize

The Notification container in PaymentPage/Initialize was changed, the NotifyUrl renamed into SuccessNotifyUrl and a new FailNotifyUrl introduced. For details please refer to PaymentPage/Initialize.

Filtered Journal Export

The Transaction Journal can now be exported with the specified filter criteria applied.

Saferpay Fields Improvements

The validation behavior of the Saferpay Fields has been changed to take place while typing, to display validation errors as early as possible.

Additional Payment Page and Backoffice languages

New Payment Page languages:

  • Bulgarian (BG)

  • Icelandic (IS)

New Backoffice languages:

  • Croatian (HR)

  • Bulgarian (BG)

  • Romanian (RO)

  • Slovak (SK)

  • Slovenian (SL)

Release 2021-07


Version 1.23

WL Crypto Payments

Added support for refunds of crypto payments. Details can be found in the Integration Guide.

Other payment method changes

  • Added support for Klarna Payments in France.

  • Bonus Card is discontinued as an independent payment method, existing cards can still be used and are now processed as Visa cards.

Omni-Channel Refunds

Omni-Channel merchants are now able to reference an original POS authorization when creating a refund. This is achieved by supplying the SIX Transaction Reference of the original POS authorization to Saferpay. This functionality is currently available for card transactions and Alipay payments.

Added notification URLs in Transaction/Initialize

Transaction/Initialize was extended with a SuccessNotifyUrl and FailureNotifyUrl where server to server push notifications can be received.

Alias/InsertDirect with existing Transaction Stamp

Alias/InsertDirect added support to provide an existing Transaction Stamp when available. This functionality is relevant only for PCI SAQ-D certified merchants who are allowed to handle and store plaintext card data.

Scheme token processing via Transaction Interface

The Transaction Interface was extended to support processing scheme tokens. Typical use cases are merchants who integrated wallets (e.g. Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay), process credit cards through Saferpay and like to do this as well for the tokens. Details can be found in the Integration Guide.

Management API

A new Management API method allows to list activated payment means and currencies for a terminal. This can be used e.g. by shop plugins to reduce manual configuration efforts and allows a more user friendly onboarding procedure. Details can be found in the Management API documentation.

Saferpay Backoffice Improvements

Redesigned Secure PayGate

A new user interface for our pay-by-link solution Secure PayGate:

  • Improved usability, look & feel

  • Re-arranged sections for more intuitive use

  • "Offers" have been renamed to "links"

Details can be found in the Secure PayGate documentation.

Transaction labeling for custom workflows

A transaction labeling ability has been introduced in the Backoffice to support workflows and custom transaction states. Details can be found in the Backoffice manual.

Ability to choose another terminal for re-authorizations

For re-authorizations (where a follow-up payment is being made which references an earlier payment), merchants can now choose a different terminal than the one which was used for the original payment.

Terminal selection usability

Improved terminal selection dropdown with filtering capabilities and other optimizations for customers with large amounts of terminals.

Release 2021-05


Version 1.22

Crypto payments in the Saferpay Payment Page

Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) crypto payments go live for selected pilot merchants.

An announcement will be made as soon as the solution becomes available for all merchants.

  • Full payment guarantee for merchants

  • Swiss Francs (CHF) is only supported currency

eps refunds and Giropay over eps

Refunds on eps payments are now available except in some cases where the issuer eps scheme doesn't have the required data to process the refund. Furthermore it is now possible to process giropay payments via eps.

Additional languages and currencies for direct bank transfer by Klarna

The direct bank transfer by Klarna (formerly known as SOFORT respective Sofortüberweisung) payment integration was extended to support the additional languages Spanish (ES), Hungarian (HU), Italian (IT), Slovak (SK) and Czech (CS). Also the supported currencies have been extended and PLN, HUF und CZK have been added.

Extended PSD2 relevant information

The responses to PaymentPage/Assert, Transaction/Authorize, Transaction/Inquire and Transaction/QueryAlternativePayment have been extended with additional PSD2 relevant information.

The Liability container now contains a new field InPsd2Scope with possible values YES, NO or UNKNOWN.

The ThreeDs container has been extended with two new fields: Field Version shows which 3-D Secure version has been used and the AuthenticationType field with possible values ATTEMPT, FRICTIONLESS, SCA or NONE indicates the type of the authentication.

Shopify plugin configuration via Backoffice

The new Shopify plugin can now be configured in the Saferpay Backoffice. Additional information about the Shopify plugin and the configuration process can be found in our Plugin Documentation.

Release 2021-03


Version 1.21

Fraud Intelligence Enterprise

Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA) and Low Value Payment (LVP) exemptions can now be automated. Risk appetite, velocity checks and other criteria can be defined as conditions. The exemptions are then automatically requested if applicable for the current transaction and all other specified conditions are met.

Transactions checked by Fraud Intelligence now also show the calculated risk score and Fraud Intelligence Insights in the Backoffice transaction detail views.

Additional Risk Management details

A new BlockReason field is added to JSON API responses if the transaction was blocked by the Saferpay Risk Management. The BlockReason tells whether the transaction was blocked due to IP address, IP location, issuer country or card blacklist entries.

Exemption details shown in Backoffice

The transaction details in the Transaction Journal and Declined Journal now show if a Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA) or Low Value Payment (LVP) exemption was requested.

Payment initiator for direct authorizations

A new Initiator field in Transaction/AuthorizeDirect requests can be used to indicate whether the transaction was initiated by the merchant (default) or by the payer.

Issuer reference for SAQ-A EP certified merchants

The response of every successful authorization now contains an IssuerReference with a TransactionStamp and in case of a Mastercard transaction, a SettlementDate. The TransactionStamp and SettlementDate can be used to reference the authorization even if it was made by a business partner or via another PSP.

To reference an existing authorization, the IssuerReference can be passed on in Transaction/AuthorizeDirect requests.

New Feature: Create Saferpay Fields Access Tokens via API

Saferpay Fields Access Tokens can now be created by calling SaferpayFields ApiKeys in the Saferpay Management API.

Consolidated Event List with Declined Reservations

The former Declined Reservations view has been renamed into Failed Transactions, and shows now also transactions blocked by the Saferpay Risk Management which have been shown before in the Event List view.

The Event List view now only shows old events and will be removed with a coming release.

New payment method features

  • Added Klarna Payments support for Italy

  • Added support for American Express account verifications (online checks) with optional SCA during Secure Card Data alias registration

Release 2021-01


No changes.

3-D Secure 2.2

Saferpay upgraded to the latest 3-D Secure version 2.2 for Visa Secure, Mastercard ID Check and American Express Safekey.

Soft Decline Handling

With the beginning of 2021, important PSD2 deadlines became active, forcing issuers to respond with a so called Soft Decline to certain not fully authenticated authorizations.

It is highly recommended for every merchant in PSD2 scope to implement proper handling of Soft Declines.

In case of a Soft Decline, the merchant needs to contact the payer so he can initiate another authorization with SCA. In case of Recurring Payments, a new initial transaction has to be made or a new Alias with SCA and a forced challenge flow need to be created.

For details on how to handle Soft Declines, please refer to the Saferpay Integration Guide.

MIT and Alias Handling

All Aliases registered after the January release will have a SCA Transaction Stamp which is sent in subsequent transactions using this Alias. This means that newly registered Aliases might have a better approval rate compared to the old ones which don't have a SCA Transaction Stamp.

Klarna Payments: Support for multi-part capture and refunds

Multi-part captures and refunds are now available for Klarna Payments through the API and the Saferpay Backoffice. This allows you to partially capture an order to send and bill it in separate parts.

Extended Omni-Channel capabilities

Saferpay is now connected to Worldine's omni-channel platform. This allows merchants to track transactions from Saferpay and other solutions combined in one portal.

Release 2020-11


Version 1.20

Fraud Intelligence Enterprise

Saferpay extends Fraud Intelligence module with additional features:

  • Fraud check is now available for all supported card brands

  • Added support for the Bancontact QR flow

  • Fraud check support for MIT payments

  • Suspected fraud can be flagged in the Saferpay Backoffice

Saferpay Fields Improvements

The Saferpay Fields functionality was extended and improved:

  • The CVC field is now set mandatory except for cards where no CVC exists

  • Added preselection support for BonusCard and myOne

Always use authorized brand in later Secure Card Data payments

An SCD alias of a co-branded card is now stored together with the brand chosen by the cardholder for the authorization. This is to ensure that in later alias payments the same brand is being used again.

The terminal used for the alias payment must have the brand activated which was used in the authorization.

New Feature: Partial Approval (amount-reduced authorization)

The AllowPartialAuthorization flag can be set in Direct Authorizations, to allow that the issuer can authorize a lower amount than requested, in case that the cardholder has no sufficient funds or reached the card limit.

Release 2020-09


Version 1.19

Fraud Intelligence Enterprise

Saferpay extends Fraud Intelligence module with additional features:

  • Fraud checks can be activated/deactivated for individual payment methods in Saferpay Backoffice

  • JSON API extended with additional data points for fraud check

  • Fraud check is supported for Bancontact payments

Klarna Payments

Saferpay now supports Klarna Payments within the Payment Page for pilot merchants. Test envionment is available for all merchants. Public launch will be announced seperately.

  • Pay Now

  • Pay Later

  • Financing

Saferpay Secure PayGate Improvement

The configuration of the payment button is now taken into the customers Secure PayGate email. E.g. if you configured the button in the Payment Page to "Donate" we will show the same text in the customers email.

Release 2020-07


Version 1.18

Support of Payer ID

You can now provide a payer ID to link transactions and stored aliases to your client by providing a unique ID. The Payer ID will help you filter, search and analyze transactions and aliases linked to your native system like CRM.

Saferpay is extending this functionality step by step, so far we've implemented:

  • Transaction/AuthorizeDirect API call

  • PaymentPage/Initialize API call (Transaction)

  • Transaction/Initialize API call (Transaction)

  • Journal search

Saferpay Fields Improvements

  • Server-side BIN range detection

Saferpay Backoffice Improvements

  • The expiry date drop-down fields were replaced with text input fields as used with Saferpay Fields

  • A warning is shown if the refund amount exceeds the cumulated captured amount.

Saferpay Secure PayGate Card Registration

You can now store a card in the Saferpay Secure Card Data by sending a payment link created in the Saferpay Backoffice or via API.

Switch check for Expired Cards to Issuer

Saferpay now accepts cards with all expiry dates and processes them according to the response of the issuer.

  • An expired card will no longer be refused in JSON API calls

  • Entering an expired card will show a warning in the Saferpay Backoffice but will not be refused

Release 2020-05


Version 1.17

Saferpay Fields Improvements

  • Added support for card registration with or without performing a transaction

  • Added support for new card brands

    • American Express

    • Bancontact

    • Diners

    • JCB

    • Maestro

    • V PAY

Mastercard Issuer Installments

Allowing customers to choose an installment plan from it's Mastercard issuer

Available in the mandated countries: Romania, Hungary, UK, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Poland with SIX Payment Services acquiring

Saferpay Backoffice Improvements

  • Added a new column "Wallets" in the Journal and Journal Export to identify if credit card transactions were initialized through a wallet

  • Added referenced refunds to the transaction tree for a visual overview

New Feature: Alias based transactions through the Saferpay Backoffice

This new feature allows you to simply open an alias in the Saferpay Backoffice and trigger a reservation or refund.

New Feature: Optional CVC enforcement for alias transactions

Using the new option in Transaction Initialize, will enforce a new entry of the CVC from the customer when performing an alias transaction.

Payment Page and Hosted Entry Form usability Improvements

All payment forms now use the same consistent look & feel as the Saferpay Fields form components. With this harmonization, the expiry date dropdowns have been replaced with input fields.

Release 2020-03


Version 1.16

Strong Customer Authentication: Exemptions

  • Added flags in JSON API for merchants to request SCA exemptions

  • Added support of "soft decline": decline from issuer with a request for Strong Customer Authentication

The use of SCA Exemptions is currently supported for Mastercard and Visa transactions that are processed by Worldline/SIX Payment Services and requires an updated acquiring agreement.

The functionality requesting SCA exemptions from merchant side does not have yet a sounding support in the payment eco-system. We expect full support of it's functionality by all necessary players by Q4 2020.

PSD2 Compliancy: Card Registration and Alias Management

  • Added authentication flow in card registration Alias/Insert

  • Added authentication result information in Alias/AssertInsert

  • Added authentication result from alias storing in the Saferpay Backoffice

  • Added flags to force Strong Customer Authentication with the following values

    • force

    • avoid

    • no preference

  • Added automatic enforcement of Strong Customer Authentication in case the initial recurring or installment transaction is in scope of PSD2

The authentication for card registration is only possible with acquiring from Worldline/SIX Payment Services [Mastercard and Visa] and 3-D Secure 2 capable issuers.

Transaction Points Overview in the Saferpay Backoffice

A new page is added in the Saferpay Backoffice with an overview of the transaction points usage

Saferpay Fields Improvements

  • Added support for customers using 3rd-party cookies

PostFinance Card & E-Finance Simulator

A new simulator with the following use cases for PaymentPage Initialize/Assert and Secure Card Data

  • Successful authentication

  • Failed authentication

  • Canceled by customer

Available on our Sandbox

Release 2020-01


Version 1.15

Apple Pay in the Saferpay Payment Page

New payment means Apple Pay goes live for dedicated pilot merchants. An announcement will be made as soon as it is available for all merchants.

  • Automatic self-onboarding in the Saferpay Backoffice (free of charge)

  • No additional contract with Saferpay or Apple needed

Saferpay Payment Page Improvements

  • Added new configurable buttons

    • Authorize

    • Reserve

    • Book

  • Numeric keyboard for mobile devices

Saferpay Backoffice Improvements

  • Added a search function for declined transactions

  • Added a search function for terminals in filter lists

Saferpay Fields Improvements

  • Added an optional CVC logic for specific card brands

  • Harmonization of the CSS classes regarding HEF, HRF and Payment Page

iDEAL Checkout

Enables merchants to preselect the iDEAL bank of the payer for an immediate redirect to the corresponding payment page.

Release 2019-11


Version 1.14

New Feature: Saferpay Fields

Provides you completely customizable input fields to integrate card payments into your step-by-step, one-page checkout or wherever you might need a PCI certified card input Supported Fields

  • Cardholder

  • PAN

  • CVC

  • Expiration date

New Feature: Saferpay Secure PayGate API

A new API call provides payment links for a seamless Saferpay Secure PayGate integration into custom or 3rd party solutions Saferpay Secure PayGate API

New Feature: TWINT User on File

The TWINT User on File functionality enables merchants to create TWINT user aliases which can be used for subsequent merchant initiated transactions (MIT) and recurring payments

Saferpay Backoffice Improvements

  • Added a new pop-up to generate basic authentication API credentials in order to improve user experience

  • Added a detailed transaction points overview, to let you easily check your consumption, this feature will be tested by a closed user group before it will become publicly available

Saferpay Secure PayGate Improvements

  • Added the following new fields to configure a Secure PayGate template

    • Template name

    • BCC

    • Reply to

    • Language

    • Payment confirmation for merchants (multiple emails ready)

    • Salutation and signature

  • Added the following new field to configure a Secure PayGate offer

    • Payment confirmation for merchants (multiple emails ready)

  • Added a dropdown which allows to link a customized payment page configuration to a Saferpay Secure PayGate template and offer

  • Added the option to customize the payment confirmation email that is sent to the payer

  • Added feature that styles offer emails according to the selected Saferpay Payment Page configuration

Release 2019-09


Version 1.13

Added a third gender option

German law introduced a third gender "diverse" JSON API

  • Added value diverse for the gender field in payment initialization and authorization requests and responses

Payment Page, Secure PayGate & emails

  • Added third "diverse" gender in the address forms and offers

  • Adjusted the salutations in emails

New Feature Manual SEPA Refunds

Saferpay now offers a manual refund solution for iDEAL, SOFORT and SEPA Direct Debit (InterCard ELV) payments

  • Alternative payment means refund via the Saferpay Backoffice and JSON API is now available

  • A table view to manage and download a refund file was created in the Saferpay Backoffice

  • Export file is in PAIN format containing SEPA Credit Transfer transactions to upload into the merchant online banking for processing

  • An email notification will be triggered, if there are not-exported SEPA refunds older than seven days

Ability to differ between invalid and unsupported IBAN

JSON API & Backoffice

  • Adjusted error response

Payment Page

  • Added error message for customers using the Payment Page

Added Support for international SEPA Direct Debit


  • Added a setting to enable whether non-DE IBAN are accepted or not

Secure PayGate Improvements

  • Added authorization type Final authorization with auto-capture

  • Removed global settings "Register automatically"

  • Added new global settings to define the standard authorization type for templates and offers

Accept Kosovo as an additional country


  • Added XK as country code

Payment Page

  • Kosovo can be selected in address forms on the Payment Page

Improved Amount Formatting

Payment Page, Backoffice and emails

  • Amounts are formatted in the correct country specific way

Improvement to Bancontact Direct Mode (released in July 2019)


  • Added DefaultRedirectUrl and CompletionRedirectUrl which will be forwarded to Bancontact App to guarantee a correct redirect to initial App after Bancontact Authentication

Last updated

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