Saferpay offers the possibility to accept different brands of credit cards, one of which being Mastercard.
General requirements
The handling of Mastercard with Saferpay requires:
A corresponding license and thus a valid identification with a username and password for the Saferpay system.
Availability of at least one active Saferpay terminal via which payment can be carried out and availability of the associated Saferpay TerminalId.
A valid acceptance contract with a respective acquirer, e.g. SIX/Worldline.
For Mastercard activation on the Saferpay terminal, please contact your sales contact.
Technical requirements
The general integration of Mastercard can be done either via the Payment Page, or the Transaction Interface and does not require any special attention, besides what is mentioned in the respective chapters.
Furthermore, for other flows (Refunds etc.), please refer to the table above.
Supported features
Mail Phone Order
Mastercard Issuer Installments
Mastercard offers together with participating issuers an installment solution where the merchant will immediately receive the full amount of the payment, and the card holder pays back the transaction amount to his issuing bank in installments according to the chosen installment plan. Installment options will only be available if the merchant has implemented the functionality as described below and the issuing bank supports Mastercard Installments, and decides to offer them for the transaction at hand. The functionality can be enabled upon request. Interested merchants can contact the Mastercard Global Customer Service to verify that the local issuers support this feature in the countries where the merchant is active.
For a merchant to enable Mastercard Issuer Installments, the following prerequisites are required:
Saferpay E-Commerce licence.
Saferpay E-Commerce terminal.
Acquiring contract with Worldline.
Mastercard Issuer Installments are activated on the terminal. Please contact your local Sales contact to activate a terminal for Mastercard Issuer Installments.
Receiving installment options
It is important to know that the availability of installment options is up to the issuing bank and not the merchant or the card holder. All Mastercard transactions potentially offer Issuer Installments. However, it's the issuer who decides whether or not to offer installment options for a given transaction. Installment options are only returned as a result of the the authorization. This means that the card holder has to go through a standard transaction flow first, either by using or . the Saferpay Payment Page Transaction Interface If the Issuer decides to offer installment options, he can do so in two different ways. The necessary information will be returned by Saferpay through the Pa or responses respectively, inside the MastercardIssuerInstallments container.yment Page Assert Transaction Authorize Inside this container you will find one of two types of installment plans:
A Fixed plan:
The issuer may propose one or more fixed installment plans. Saferpay will in this case return an array of JSON-Objects, containing the information about the proposed plans within the array MastercardIssuerInstallments.InstallmentPlans:
A custom plan
The card holder can choose the number of installments within the boundaries given by the issuer. In this case, the MastercardIssuerInstallments.CustomPlan container is returned:
Important: Either the first or the second option will be available, but not both. Once the installment options are returned, the merchant has to present the options to the card holder in a way compliant with the relevant Mastercard guidelines. The card holder must be able to choose whether to accept one of the proposed plans, or not.
Choosing an installment plan
If the card holder chooses an installment plan, the data of said plan must be sent back to Saferpay through the Capture request, by submitting the information of the chosen plan through the MastercardIssuerInstallments container. With the capture of the transaction, the plan has been chosen, the merchant will immediately recieve the money, while the card holders bank handles the installment itself.
Please refer to this chapter, if you want to test Mastercard.
Last updated
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