Fraud Intelligence Integration

Fraud Intelligence is a Saferpay module that protects merchants from fraudulent online transactions. It relies on industry-leading AI technology and allows merchants to dynamically react on suspicious behavior and even prevent transactions with malicious intent, during authentication.

This chapter will cover the technical aspects on how to integrate Fraud Intelligence in your application.


  • A corresponding license and thus a valid identification with a username and password for the Saferpay system.

  • Availability of at least one active Saferpay terminal via which payments can be carried out, and availability of the associated Saferpay TerminalId.

  • A contract to use the Fraud Intelligence module in Saferpay. Please contact your contractual sales contact on that matter.

  • Saferpay JSON API SpecVersion 1.20+

Supported Payment Methods and Flows

Currently, the following payment methods are supported:

  • Visa/VPay

  • Mastercard/Maestro

  • American Express

  • Bancontact

  • Diners Club

  • JCB

  • PayPal

  • Unionpay

Currently, the following flows are supported:

Data points

In order for the fraud detection to work properly, the system needs to be provided with a set of data points with each transaction. Some are provided automatically by Saferpay, while others need to be submitted by the merchant's system with the initial request, when starting the transaction with either Transaction Initialize or Payment Page Initialize.

All of these datapoints are generally optional. However the detection will work better the more data are provided.

The following data points can be set via the JSON API:

JSON APIName in MS DFPDescription


Total amount

The transaction amount.



The transaction currency.

(see description)

Merchant payment instrument ID

A hash of the used PAN. Note that this value usually comes directly from the card holder, rather than the merchant.

(see description)

BIN country/region ISO

The ISO code of the card issuer country. Only available for Visa, Mastercard, Maestro International, Bancontact and UnionPay transactions.


Shipping email

The customer's E-Mail address.


IP address (via Merchant)

The customer's IP-address.


n/a (used only for scoring)

The customer's date of signup to the merchant shop.


n/a (used only for scoring)

The date when the customer last changed his/her password.



Array of all the shopping cart items.


Product ID

Identifier of the product. This ID is created and provided by the merchant.


Product name

Description of the product, given by the merchant.


n/a (used only for scoring)

Price of the product.


n/a (used only for scoring)

Quantity ordered of this specific item.



Product category, given by the merchant.


Product type

Product type. Has to be one of the following: DIGITAL|PHYSICAL|SERVICE|GIFTCARD


Product shipping method

The used delivery method. Recommended values:

  • EMAIL: The items are delivered electronically to the customer.

  • HOMEDELIVERY: The items are delivered to the customer's shipping address.

  • PICKUP: The customer collects the items from a pickup location.

  • SHOP: The customer collects the items from a branch shop.

  • HQ: The customer collects the items from the flagship store.

JSON APIName in MS DFPDescription


City (Billing address)

Billing address city


Country/Region (Billing address)

Billing address country


First name (Billing address)

Billing address first name


Last name (Billing address)

Billing address last name


Street 1 (Billing address)

Billing address street


Street 2 (Billing address)

Additional billing address street information (e.g. PO Box)


ZIP code (Billing address)

Billing address zip code


City (Shipping address)

Shipping address city


Country/Region (Shipping address)

Shipping address country


First name (Shipping address)

Shipping address first name


Last name (Shipping address)

Shipping address last name


Street 1 (Shipping address)

Shipping address street


Street 2 (Shipping address)

Additional shipping address street information (e.g. PO Box)


ZIP code (Shipping address)

Delivery address zip code


Shipping email

Delivery address email address

JSON APIName in MS DFPDescription


First name (User)

Payer's first name


Last name (User)

Payer's last name


n/a (used only for scoring)

The creation date and time of the payer's account in the merchant's system.



Payer's e-mail address.


Phone number (User)

Payer's phone number


Device ID (via Merchant)

Unique ID given by the merchant. This field is only used in conjunction with the Device Fingerprinting functionality.

Deprecated Fields

This fields are not in use anymore:
















Device Fingerprinting

If Devide Fingerprinting is enabled, the following additional data points are available:

Name in MS DFPDescription

Device ID (via Merchant)

The Device ID given by the Merchant

True IP

The identified IP address of the device

Device state

State of the approximate device location

Device city

City of the approximate device location

Device postal code

ZIP code of the approximate device location


Example "yes" or "no"

Screen resolution

Example "2560x1440"


Here you can see an example Payment Page Initialize request. Note that the containers and parameters are, of course, consistent throughout the whole API:

  "RequestHeader": {
    "SpecVersion": "<insert current spec-version here>",
    "CustomerId": "<insert your customer id here>",
    "RequestId": "798b38f3176f4eb1bc6ce36e946d10ba",
    "RetryIndicator": 0
  "TerminalId": "<insert your terminal id here>",
  "Payment": {
    "Amount": {
    "Value": "55000",
    "CurrencyCode": "EUR"
  "OrderId": "",
  "Description": "Your order"
  "Payer": {
    "IpAddress": "",
    "DeliveryAddress": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": "MALE",
      "Street": "Notreal road 42",
      "Zip": "12346",
      "City": "Sometown",
      "CountryCode": "US",
      "DateOfBirth": "2001-01-01"
  "ReturnUrls": {
    "Success": "https://yourshop/payment-success",
    "Fail": "https://yourshop/payment-failed",
    "Abort": "https://yourshop/payment-aborted"
  "Notification": {
    "NotifyUrl": "https://yourshop/payment-notify"
  "Order": {
    "Items": [
        "Type": "PHYSICAL",
        "Id": "BAAA-BPTENT",
        "Name": "Awesome Tent",
        "Description": "Backpacking Tent with room for 3 people, in red.",
        "Quantity": 1,
        "UnitPrice": "25000"
        "Type": "GIFTCARD",
        "Id": "EVCHR-HIKE",
        "VariantId": "EVCHR-HIKE-300",
        "Name": "Hiking vacation voucher",
        "Description": "Enjoy the vacation with your friends!",
        "Quantity": 2,
        "UnitPrice": "30000",
        "IsPreOrder": false
  "RiskFactors": {
    "DeliveryType": "SHOP",
    "AccountCreationDate": "2019-02-21T12:04:43Z",
    "PasswordLastChangeDate": "2019-12-23T16:36:43Z"

Device Fingerprinting

Device Fingerprinting is a process to identify and track devices across websites through a central service. The data collected is used to identify malicious devices and thusly to prevent fraud.

The Saferpay Fraud Intelligence solution does offer possibilities to benefit from such a process, however it needs additional integration steps, in order to function.


Before you can start integrating, please contact in order to get your so called instanceId, which is important for this service to function.


The integration of the Device Fingerprinting service is done on client-side via JavaScript.

It is imperative, that this script is called before the Saferpay payment is initialized.

Code Sample

    <title>Device Fingerprint Example</title>
    <script src=""></script>
        // Construct dfpScriptUrl:
        var dfpBaseUrl = "";
        var dfpScriptUrl = dfpBaseUrl + decodeURIComponent($.param({
        session_id: "[UNIQUE SESSION ID]", // This sessionId must be unique for this transaction and is later forwarded to Saferpay
        instanceId: "[INSTANCE_ID]", // The ID you got in the previous step
        pageId: "P" // Don't change this value!
     // Load the DFP script:
     console.log("DFP: Loading script from " + dfpScriptUrl);
         // Execute the DFP script:
         console.log("DFP: Script successfully executed - see the browser console Network tab for details");
         // Something went wrong:
         console.log("DFP: Something went wrong");
     <h1>Device Fingerprint Test</h1>
     Press Shift + CTR + J to open the browser console


The above script creates the fingerprint itself and directly submits the data towards the Fraud Intelligence service.

  • dfpBaseUrl: This URL static and provided by us. It will change shortly and we'll then inform what the new URL is.

  • session_id: A unique id generated by you which is diferent for each transaction. It is also used by Saferpay, see the next step.

  • instanceId: The instanceId which was given to you by the DFP support

  • pageId: This value always needs to be "P" which stands for "Prevention" and helps to route the data to the right location.

Saferpay Integration

Once the above script has been successfully initialized and the necessary device-fingerprint has been created, you can initialize the Saferpay Payment.

It is however important, that you share the unique session_id you previously created with Saferpay. You do so, by submitting it inside the RiskFactors.DeviceFingerprintTransactionId parameter, via either the PaymentPage Initialize, or Transaction Initialize request, depending on your integration.

Risk Score

The Fraud Intelligence module uses artificial intelligence to calculate a Risk Score from all available data. This Risk Score is an indicator how risky the transaction is: A transaction with a high Risk Score generally has a higher propability to be fraudulent than a transaction with a low risk score.


Rules are used to configure the individual risk appetite of a merchant and to make a decision based on the calculated Risk Score and other criteria. For example, a simple rule could block all transactions with a Risk Score higher than x. A rule can also combine multiple conditions such as velocity thresholds and check other data points, which allows to model complex business requirements and manually block specific fraud scenarios.



In case of a success, the transaction response will also carry additional information inside the FraudPrevention.Result parameter. This can have one of two values: APPROVED and MANUAL_REVIEW.

In both cases, the transaction was indeed successful. However, the latter indicates that there may be issues with this transaction, which need to be reviewed manually.

It is then up to you, the merchant, to either accept or decline this transaction.

 "ResponseHeader": {
    "SpecVersion": "[current Spec-Version]",
    "RequestId": "[your request id]"
  "Transaction": {
    "Type": "PAYMENT",
    "Status": "AUTHORIZED",
    "Id": "MUOGAWA9pKr6rAv5dUKIbAjrCGYA",
    "Date": "2015-09-18T09:19:27.078Z",
    "Amount": {
      "Value": "100",
      "CurrencyCode": "CHF"
    "AcquirerName": "AcquirerName",
    "AcquirerReference": "Reference",
    "SixTransactionReference": "0:0:3:MUOGAWA9pKr6rAv5dUKIbAjrCGYA",
    "ApprovalCode": "012345"
  "PaymentMeans": {
    "Brand": {
      "PaymentMethod": "VISA",
      "Name": "VISA Saferpay Test"
  "DisplayText": "9123 45xx xxxx 1234",
  "Card": {
    "MaskedNumber": "912345xxxxxx1234",
    "ExpYear": 2015,
    "ExpMonth": 9,
    "HolderName": "Max Mustermann",
    "CountryCode": "CH"
  "Payer": {
    "IpAddress": "",
    "IpLocation": "DE"
  "Liability": {
    "LiabilityShift": true,
    "LiableEntity": "ThreeDs",
    "ThreeDs": {
      "Authenticated": true,
      "LiabilityShift": true,
      "Xid": "ARkvCgk5Y1t/BDFFXkUPGX9DUgs=",
      "VerificationValue": "AAABBIIFmAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="
  "FraudPrevention": {
    "Result": "MANUAL_REVIEW"


In case of a decline, Saferpay will throw a appropriate error, also containing the reason.

    "ResponseHeader": {
        "SpecVersion": "<current spec-version>",
        "RequestId": "1"
    "Risk": {
        "BlockReason": "BLACKLIST_IP",
        "IpLocation": "CH"
    "Behavior": "ABORT",
    "ErrorMessage": "Blocked by fraud detection"

Feedback to Fraud Intelligence Hub

These responses will in return be transferred to the Fraud Intelligence Hub for further Risk analysis and overview purposes.

Note, that this currently only happens for normal debit transactions. Other transactions, like refunds, are currently not included.

Last updated