
The Settings tab contains multiple, partially very important, options, to configure your account, the processing, or even just basic access to the Saferpay API. It is thus very important to understand and know the tools at hand, which will be shown and explained in the following chapter.


The Processing menu, contains the settings, to accept SEPA related refunds.

Saferpay does offer the possibility to accept refunds for certain SEPA-based payment methods. However those need special attention. Reason being, that SEPA does not directly offer refunds, which is just in the nature of the payment-system itself. Due to this, Saferpay offers a workaround, to make manual SEPA-refunds easier for the merchant.

Each SEPA-based refund is filed into a special journal, where you -the merchant- can request an export of these transactions, by either selecting the transactions you want, or you simply export all the new refunds, that haven't been exported yet.

However, in order for this to work, you must first activate that option here in the Settings and also configure your bank-account. This is necessary, so Saferpay can automatically build the export-file for you.


Under notifications, you can configure if, where and in what language Saferpay should contact you in case of certain events and news. Each Input accepts a comma-separated list, so if you want to enter more, than one E-Mail, you can do so.

Due to legal restrains, Saferpay will not send you any notification, if no consent is given, by entering an e-mail.

We highly recommend configuring these, as you may miss out on important information, that could impact the processing of your transactions.

For users having the permission to set Notification adresses, a concerned banner will be shown on the Backoffice home screen if the email addresses (Miscellaneous or Technical) aren't filled out


Miscellaneous includes general notifications about your transaction point status. We'll explain, what a transaction point is, further down in this chapter under Transaction Points Summary.

Note, that these checkboxes also apply to this.

  • Low transaction points

  • No more transaction points

  • No daily batch close

These three checkboxes control different events, concerning your transaction points.


Marketing includes announcements about new features, payment methods, blog entries and special offers, that may interest you.


Technical includes new releases and maybe difficulties on Saferpay side, but also important information about expiring certificates, or the deactivation of old and deprecated APIs and API-functions. Thus it is highly recommended, to configure this e-mail notification.


This is special, as it directly concerns one payment method: paydirekt. Unlike other payment methods, that essentially only know three transaction status at most -authorized, captured, failed-, paydirekt knows a fourth: PENDING.

A pending status means, that it cannot be determined, whether or not the requested action could be performed, during runtime. Thus, Saferpay will throw this status and notify you, if a definitive status could be determined. While this does work via the Saferpay API, you can also configure an e-mail notification, if you want to.

Payment Means / Terminals

This section includes all information about the terminals, that are activated under your account, the connected payment methods, the contract numbers, currencies and other features. In addition, it also allows you to configure certain payment methods right there, for this given terminal.

Terminal selection

At the top, you'll have a drop-down menu, which includes all your terminals, which are sorted by Type and TerminalId, alongside some information about the activated brands, the location and its name.

There are three basic types of terminals:

Your account may not have a terminal of each type activated.

  • eCommerce: This is your standard terminal, which you should use for normal transactions, within your webshop.

  • Secure PayGate: This terminal is similar to the eCommerce terminal. It does the same kind of transactions, but is specifically intended to be used in conjunction with the Saferpay Secure PayGate and not your normal webshop.

  • Phone Mail Order: As the name suggests, this is intended to be used for Mail Phone Order transactions. It should not be used for your webshop!


Under the Settings, you can give the terminal your own description/name and you can (de-)activate the daily automatic closure, or batch close, which happens at 10pm Central European Time.

Deactivating the closure is not recommended, unless you specifically want to trigger the closure manually, or want to use the Saferpay Payment API.

Self service

At the bottom of your terminal, you'll find the Self service area. Here you can configure certain payment methods, so you may process payments, using these methods. How the configuration is done, is explained in our integration guide, in the corresponding chapter, about the specific payment method.

Currently supported are:

Transaction Point Summary

This section will give you a detailed overview over your transaction point usage per month and terminal.

What is a transaction point?

A transaction point is a mean to monetize a transaction, or more specific: certain steps of a transaction, including:

  • The authorization (including refunds)

  • Cancellation

  • Batch close (not per transaction, but per batch close itself)

Each do cost one transaction point.

Should you no longer have any transaction points -note that this depends on your contract. If you have any questions regarding this, ask your contract manager!-, you'll still be able to do transactions, but your ability to do a batch close and thus transferring the money to your bank account, will be removed, until you buy more points.


This summary can also be exported, by clicking on CSV or Excel below.

Saferpay Fields Access Tokens

This option is only available for merchants, with a Saferpay Business license!

Here you can create the Saferpay Access Tokens, needed for the Saferpay Fields. The Saferpay Fields are a PCI DSS SAQ-A compliant way to directly integrate a card form into your website, with your own look-and-feel, via JavaScript.


The creation of an access-token has to follow certain rules and you must be sure, that you understand these, or the fields may not work.

First, you need to click on Create Saferpay Fields Access Token.

This will open up this dialogue, where you have to select and fill in the Terminal, a Description and the Source URL(s).

Please be very mindful, when selecting the Terminal and Source URL(s). The latter especially must be your shop URL, where you want to use this Access Token on. When you initialize the Saferpay Fields and your host -the referer- does not match one of the configured URLs, Saferpay will deny your Access with a 403 Forbidden, so please make sure, that these URLs are indeed correct, or the Fields won't work!

Furthermore, you can only authorize a card with the Saferpay Fields, on the TerminalId you have selected during this dialogue.

Integration and usage

The technical implementation and the usage of the Saferpay Fields, is further explained in our Integration Guide, alongside some examples.

IP Permissions

This section enables you, to limit the Access to the Saferpay Payment API (JSON API) via an IP-Whitelist.


In order to create a new entry, simply enter the IP-range you want to allow. If you just want to limit the access to one specific IP, simply enter the same value for start and end.

Once you have created an entry, it will displayed in a list below.


If you want to remove one, or more entries, simply check the box on the left side of the entry and click Remove.


Labels give you the option to categorise and group transactions. In order to use this labelling function, first of all you need to define the labels that you wish to use. Via the "Create new label" button you can create as many labels as you wish:

The name of the label can be freely allocated – emojis or icons are also a possibility to allow your label to be recognised more quickly. Within the details of the transaction in the Backoffice Journal, you can then assign one or multiple labels to the transaction:

You can then request a list of all transactions which have been assigned to a specific label in the transaction journal by filtering for the respective label:

Use Cases

There are a wide variety of different use cases. Below we will describe two general examples of how labels and customer references can be used.

Example 1: Approval process for refunds

For security reasons, the (fictional) Hotel Refundus Maximus only wants to allow refunds to be processed by managers in the Saferpay Backoffice; other employees are not authorised to process refunds in the Backoffice and instead can only attach a “Refund” label to the respective transaction. Managers regularly look at newly labelled transactions, check and authorise the credit and then remove the “Refund” label.

Example 2: Labelling of transactions for manual risk assessment

The (fictional) gold dealer Alibaba wants to protect itself and its web shop from cyber criminals (“robbers”) and against their attempts to commit fraud and manipulate. In order to separate real transactions from fake transactions, every order received is first checked for any discrepancies. By means of a search for the customer reference, it is possible to check whether the customer is already known and whether they paid for previous orders. For new customers, or if the order has other suspicious characteristics, the label “Suspicious” will be assigned to the transaction. Transactions bearing this label will then be subjected to a thorough manual investigation for fraud. If the result of this manual risk assessment shows that it is probably a fraud attempt and the risk is therefore too high, the authorisation for the transaction will be cancelled. If it is in fact a legitimate order enquiry, the “Suspicious” label will be manually removed and the order can then be processed in the regular way.

Last updated