Payment Page Configuration

Payment Page Configurations provide a simple yet powerful way to customize the payment experience of your customers

This guide is a supplement to the Saferpay Backoffice user manual. It describes the configuration options available for the creation of templates for the Saferpay Payment Page in the Saferpay Backoffice.

A Payment Page Configuration can be used to amend the look and technical parameters for the Saferpay Payment Page without any additional programming work. The JSON API PaymentPage/Initialize parameters listed here in monospace are described in the Saferpay Payment API documentation.


The prerequisites for using and configuring the Saferpay Payment Page are as follows:

  • A corresponding Saferpay eCommerce license and therefore a valid ID with a user name and password for the Saferpay system.

  • At least one active Saferpay terminal via which payments can be made and the associated Saferpay CustomerId and TerminalId.

  • A valid acceptance contract for credit cards or other means of payment.

Creating a Payment Page Configuration

After logging into the Saferpay Backoffice, select the "Settings" area to arrive at the "Payment Page configuration":

A short introduction will be displayed:

Click on the "Create new configuration" button to create a new template. The following screen is displayed:

Configuration Options

The customization options are divided into different areas. Changes to the payment page configuration are immediately displayed in the preview window on the right-hand side.


This section enables you to upload your own logo to be displayed on the payment page and to set the colors and fonts for the payment page.

The JPG, PNG and SVG formats are supported for the logo. The maximum size for JPG and PNG is 1 MB and 905x710 pixels. Scalable vector graphics will be displayed across the full breadth of the payment page.

E-mail notification

You can enable payment notification emails and remove personal data such as name, address, IBAN, etc.


The label for payment process term and for the pay button can be adapted to your requirements.


Changes to the payment page configuration are immediately displayed in the preview window.

Configuration Overview

As soon as a configuration has been created, it will be added to the overview:

  1. Click to view details of the configuration.

  2. Displays the ConfigSet value to be entered to use a configuration.

  3. If a configuration has been set as the "Default", it will always be used without the need to state the ConfigSet parameter.

  4. Displays the status of a configuration.

  5. Deletes an existing configuration.

  6. Produces a copy of an existing configuration.

Last updated